Thursday, December 21, 2023

The world's worst BRT line?

 This is part of an ongoing series to identify inefficient bus routes.


Hanoi, Vietnam has plenty of useful transit routes, including a brand new metro line with lots of expansion potential. And while the Hanoi Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system isn't completely useless, it is certainly an honorable mention. And it's a shame, too.

There are certain things that must be present for true BRT. Hanoi does not check any boxes.

❌ Dedicated Lanes

❌ Signal Priority

❌ Enhanced Capacity

❌ Ease of Access

✅ Frequent

✅ Branding

 BRT "Lite", which North America loves, can check some of these boxes. It's important to emphasize that Hanoi BRT checks very few.

Hanoi BRT bus

It has nice a nice paint job, and comes at a somewhat frequent interval (not great, but acceptable). The simple question: is Hanoi BRT really BRT? Is it even BRT Lite?
